Dr. T Shivaraj Gouda

Mr. Manjunath C J

Dr Aparna Lakshmi Immidisetty

Dr Praise Marine Sabu


Dr. T Shivaraj Gouda
Professor & Head
- PhD from V L College of Pharmacy in the year 2010
- M.Pharm from V L College of Pharmacy, Raichur in the year 1998
- B.Pharm from V L College of Pharmacy, Raichur in the year 1994
- Working as Professor & Head at N.E.T Pharmacy College from May 2015
- Worked as Professor and Principal at JPNES group of Institutions from Nov 2013 to April 2015
- Worked as Professor & Head at Srikrupa Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siddipet from Oct 2010 to Oct 2013
- Worked as Associate Professor at V L College of Pharmacy, Raichur from July 1998 to Oct 2010
- Ladde Shivkumar, Shivaraj Gouda, N. Venkat Rao, Md. Shalam, Richa Verma. Evaluation of Nootropic Activity of poly-herbal formulations SR-105 in experimental animals. International research journal of pharmacy 2 (4), 2011-101-107.
- Chirnajib Bhattacharjee, Subal Deb Nath, G Ganesh Kumar, Santhos Kumar C, Shivaraj Gouda. Anthelhiminitic activity of root of Benincasa Hispida. Indo-American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 1 (1), 1-6, 2011.
- Laxmaiah Ch., Shirkant V., Shivaraj Gouda, Santhosh Kumar C., Subal Debnath, Chiranjib B. antimicrobial acitivity of leaves of Switinia Mehogoni. Indoamerican Journal of pharmaceutical research. 3 (3), 2231-2239, 2011.
- Mohammed Sayed, Mohammad Shamshuddin, Shivaraj Gouda, Manish Shrivastva, B. Paramesheppa, faiz ahmed, suheel ashraf. Anti-diarrhoeal potential of root extract of rabiacordifolia linn in rats. Pharcology online. 2, 763-773, 2011.
- Ashfaq Husain,Venkat Rao N, T. Shivaraj Gouda, Shalam Md, Suresh D K. and Rama Mohan Guptha. Protective effect of SR-101, A poly-herbal formulation against alcohol induced hepatotoxic rats. Advanced Pharmacology & Toxicology. 2011;12:89-94
- Parameshappa, N. Venkat rao., T.shivaraj gouda, Saiket Sen, Raja Chakravorty. A study on drug interaction between antihypertensive drug (Proponalol) and anti-diabetic drug (Glipizide). Scholars research library, 1(3), 35-40, 2010.
- Shamsuddin Munawar, T.Shivaraj Gouda, N Venkat Rao, Md. Shalam. Influence of trandiolopeil treatment with Glipizide on serum glucose and potassium levels in normal and diabetic rats. Pharmacology online. 1, 990-1003, 2010.
- P B Mallikarjun, T.Shivaraj Gouda, Y.N. Seetharam. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of sruychnos pototoruay seed extrats. Pharmacology online. 2, 876-882, 2010.
- K.Nagaphani, Md. Safiuddine Khalid, T.Shivaraj Gouda, N. Venkant rao, D. Jeevan Mani Babu, Md. Shalam, S.M. Shantakumar. Effect of poly-herbal formulation adrocre for its aphrodisiac activity. Pharmacology online. 2, 354-364,2009.
- Shivaraj Gouda, Prabhat Upadhyaya, Md Salahuddin, S M Shantakumar. Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of some new Thiophene substituted bi-heterocycles containing oxadiazoles. Asian journal of chemistry. 2009, 2: 7155-7126.
- Shivaraj Gouda, Jagadish, Md.Salhuddin and S M Shanta Kumar.Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of some novel benzo(b) thiophene substituted thiazolidines. Asian journal of Chemistry, 2009, 21: 5171-5178.
- Md Khaayum, Shivaraj Gouda, N Venkat Rao, SM Khalid, S.M. Shantakumar, Antiulcer activity of stem extract of Tinospora malabarica. Pharmacology online 2009;1:885-890.
- Venkatrao, Altaf Ali, Shalam, T. Shivaraj Gouda, Jeevan mani Babu, SM Shantakumar. Anxiolytic activity of seed extract of Casalpinia bandacella(roxb) in laboratory animal. The internet journal of Pharmacology 1/31/2009.
- Altaf Ali, Md Shalam, N.Venkat Rao, Shivaraj Gouda, SM Shantakumar. Anticonvulsant Effect of seed extract of Caesalpinia bonducella (roxb). Iranian journal of pharmacology & Therapeutics (IJPT). 2009;8:51-55
- A.Khayum., T.S.Gouda.,N.Venkat Rao., Md. Shalam., S.M.Shantakumar., Richa Verma., S.Vijaykumar. Influence of Lisinopril on glucose lowering effect of Glipizide in normal and diabetic rats. Pharmacology online 1.148-158 (2008)
- Neelesh Patel, Vipul Gujrati,S.Gouda, N.Vekat Rao, K.Nandakumar, Md Shalam and S.M.Shantkumar. Anti hepatotoxic effect of root extracts of Tylophora indica (Wight & arm) against ethanol induced liver damage in rats. Toxicol. Int. vol. 14 no. 1, 2007 pp 00.00
- Amareshwara Rao., N.Venkat Rao.,Shivaraj Gouda T, Shalam., K. Nandakumar and S.M.Shantakumar. Influence of Diltiazem on Blood Glucose lowering effect of Glipizide in Normal and Diabetic rats. Adv. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Vol.8 (1).2007, 43-36, ISSN-0973-2381.
- Kona Prasad, S.Gouda, N.Venkat Rao, Md.Shalam, S.M.Shantakumar Influence of Benazepril on glucose lowering effect of Glipizide in normal and diabetic rats.Pharmacology online2007;1:330-338.
- Vipul Gujrati, Nilesh Patel, Venkat Rao N, Nandakumar K, T. S.Gouda, Md. Shalam, S. M. Shanta Kumar. Hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of leaves of Tylophora indica (Linn.) in rats. Ind. J. Pharmacol. Feb.2007 ,39(1) : 43-47.
- B., Venkat Rao.N., Nandakumar. K., Gouda.T.S, Md. Shalam, Shantakumar.S.M.. A Study on Adaptogenic activity of root extracts of Boerhaavia Diffusa (Linn). Ind. Drugs. April 2007, 44 (4), 264-270.
- S M Farooq, T R Alla, N Venkat Rao, K Prasad, Md Shalam, K Nanda Kumar, T S Gouda, S Satyanarayana. A study on CNS effects of milk exrtracts of nuts of Semecarpus anacardium linn. (Anacardiaceae) pharmacologyonline 1: 49-63 (2007).
- Brijmohan Sharma, N Venkat Rao, Md.Shalam, Shivaraj Gouda, S.M. Shantakumar, M. Laxmi Narasu A study on adaptogenic activity of stem extracts of Tinospora malabarica.Pharmacology online 2007;1:349-358.
- Liyakat Ahmed, Manoj Kumar Yadav, K. Nandakumar, N. Venkat Rao, Md. Shalam, T.S Gouda and S.M. Shanta Kumar. Influence of antipsychotic drugs on Antidiarrhoeal activity of Propanthelene in rats. Adv. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Vol. 7 (3) 2006, 61-64.
- J.Patel, V.B.Gujrati, T.S.Gouda, N.Venkat Rao, K. Nandkumar, S.M.Shantakumar. Anti diarrhoeal activity of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of root of Tylophora indica (Wight & arm) in rodents. Pharmacology online.1: 19-29 (2006)
- Bheemachari,T.Shivaraj Gouda, N.Venkata Rao.,V.G.Joshi.,Y.Anand kumar.& S.Ramachandra Setty. Influence of Intraconozole on hypoglycaemic activity,of oral anti diabetic agents in healthy albino rabbits. Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica 45:37-40(2003).
- Lakshmayya, Narasimha Rao., Nelluri,Pramod Kumar., Nanda Kishore Agarwal, T.Shivaraj Gouda. & S.Ramachandra Setty. Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of leaves of Abutilon Pudicum, Ind.J Natural Products Vol.2 (1) January 2003.79-83.
- Udupi R.H.setty., S.R.Srinivasalu., N.Agarwal N., Pasha.T.Y., T.S. & Kumar B.S. Synthesis of condensed Triazole systems and their biological evaluation. Indian.Drugs.39 (6) June 2002.
- R.H.Udupi., S Ramachandra setty., N.Srinivasalu., T.Y.Pasha., Nanda Kishore Agarwal., T.Shivaraj Gouda & B.Sunil Kumar. Heterocyclic Systems containing bridge heat nitrogen atom: Synthesis and biological activity of s-triazoles [3, 4-b] [1, 3, and 4] thiadiazoles. Ind.Journal of heterocyclic chemistry.vol.12. April-June 2003 PP .361-364.
- A workshop on “ Recent trends in pharmacological evaluation of novel agents from Synthetic and natural origin “conducted by Navodaya Pharmacy College, Raichur. February 2012
- A work shop on “New trends in teaching of anatomy” conducted by Navodaya Medical College, Raichur. December 2007
- A workshop on “Research methodology , Bio-statistics and Ethical aspects of research” conducted by RGUHS, Bangalore on August 2004
- A workshop on “International trends in pharmaceutical sciences and practice” conducted by international convention of pharmacy educators at hotel Atria, Bangalore on March 2002.
- A workshop on “Quality improvement programme on “Training teachers for tomorrows need” conducted by K.L.E.Society’s college of Pharmacy, Belgaum, on June 1999.
- BOS member (UG) Rajeev Gandhi University of Health Sciences Bangalore.
- Life member of Association of Pharmacy teachers of India, (APTI) with Reg. no. KA/LM-687.
- Life member of The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) with Reg. no. KTK/BAN/CM/0347.
- Associated with many professional, social and cultural organizations.

Mr. Manjunath C J
Associate Professor
- M.Pharm from HSK College of Pharmacy, Bagalkot in the year 2007
- B.Pharm from HSK College of Pharmacy, Bagalkot in the year 2005
- Working as an Associate Professor at N.E.T Pharmacy College from Dec 2007
- Anti-pyretic activity of various extracts of Carissa carandus (Poster presentation). H.S.K. College of Pharmacy Bagalkot. Karnataka
- Evaluation of nephroprotective activity of Asparagus racemosus W. in experimental animals. (Oral presentation) H.S.K. College of Pharmacy Bagalkot. Karnataka
- Evaluation of Anthelmintic Activity and Study on the Structure Activity Relation of Certain Azetidin-2-one Derivatives
- Pharmacological Evaluation of Antiallergic Activity of CYNODON DACTYLON.
- Antianaphylactic And Mast Cell Stabilization Activity Of Cynodon Dactylon
- Antianaphylactic and mast cell stabilization activity of Strychnos potatorum Linn. seed
- National Seminar on ‘Emerging Trends in Ethno pharmacology’, 12-13th November 2005, sponsored by ICMR and CSIR, NEW DELHI, At Bagalkot, Karnataka.
- Attended IPC at Hyderabad 2005.
- National Seminar on ‘Advances in Food Biotechnology’. 2005, Engineering College Bagalkot. Karnataka.
- National seminar on ‘Validation of herbal drugs in clinical & preclinical research’2007, H.S.K. College of Pharmacy Bagalkot. Karnataka
- Faculty development program conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Gulbarga,Karnataka.
- Life member of Indian Pharmacological Society.

Dr Aparna Lakshmi Immidisetty
Assistant Professor
- Education:M-Pharmacy (Pharmacology) from SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM University, Chennai, T.N. in 2008-2010
- B.Pharm from Rao’s College of Pharmacy, JNTU, Hyderabad, A.P in 2004-2008
- Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, (JNTU-Anantapur)-May, 2010 to February, 2013.
- Assistant Clinical Co-ordinator, XL Health, Bangalore- March, 2013 to November, 2013.
- Oxford college of Pharmacy, Bangalore, RGUHS- November, 2013 to August, 2016.
- PES College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, RGUHS- August, 2016 to May, 2018.
- Raghu college of pharmacy- July, 2018 to October 2021.
- Working as a Assistant Professor at N.E.T Pharmacy College.
- Ten years of rich experience in the Department of Pharmacology as Assistant Professor.
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Pharmacology
- Pathophysiology
- Pharmacological Screening and Clinical Evaluation
- Screening of Antidiabetic Activity.
- Antioxidant Activity
- Hepatoprotective Activity
- Anticarcinogenic Activity
- Cardioprotective activity
- Shrinivas Sharma, KS. Lakshmi, V. Chitra, Aparna Lakshmi. “Anti carcinogenic activity of Allylmercaptocaptopril against Aflatoxin B1 induced liver carcinoma”. European journal of general medicine 2011; 8(1): 46-52.
- Aparna lakshmi , Y. Mastan rao, CH. Bhargavi and Uma seelam. “Antidiabetic and wound healing activity of various bark extract of Polyalthia longifolia in alloxan induced rats”. Asian journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research 2011; 4(1): 109-113.
- Mastan rao, I. Aparna Lakshmi, CH. Bhargavi, S. Umavenkatesh. “Effect of captopril and allylmercaptocaptopril on antioxidant status in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats”. International journal of Pharmtech 2010; 4(2):2251-2255.
- Praveen Kumar, P.Venugopalaiah, K. Mallikarjuna Rao, J. Padmavathy, I. Aparna Lakshmi, B.SandeepKumar Naik. “Taste masking of Prednisolone sodium phosphate by wet granulation technique and formulation of orally disintegrating tablets”. International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 2011; 1(1): 1-8.
- Mastan rao, I. Aparna Lakshmi.“Effect of ACE Inhibitors on antioxidant status in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats”. Asian journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research 2011; 4(1): 134-137.
- Padmavathy, D. Raju, D. Saravanan, V. Saisaraswathi, M. Kayalvizhi, I.Aparna Lakshmi. “A study on preliminary photochemical and Antimicrobial potentials of extracts of leaves of young stems of Memecylon umbellatum Burm. F”. Advanced Pharmacology and Toxicology 2010; 11(3): 21-26.
- Saravanan, J. Padmavathy, M. J. Parimala, I.Aparna Lakshmi, Ch. Praveen. “Pharmacognistic evaluation of leaves of Alangium salvifolium Linn. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy”. 2011; 2(1): 216-220.
- Suresh kumar reddy, T.Lokesh, I.Aparna lakshmi, M.Gobinath, M.Vishali, C.Geetha. “Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application in Bio-systems”. International Journal Of Pharmacy&Technology. 2011; 3(1): 1494-1514.
- Chitra, V.Hanuman kishore, I. Aparna lakshmi, T.Ramaniah. “An Invitro Comparitive Study of Antiplatelet Drug Combinations in Swiss Albino Mice”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2010; 2(1): 102-105.
- Raju, J. Padmavathy, V. Sai Saraswathi, D. Saravanan, I. Aparna Lakshmi. “Formulation and Development of Enteric Coated Tablets of Prednisolone as a Colon Targeted Drug Delivery”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research. 2011; 2(3): 685-690.
- Praveen Kumar, K.Mallikarjuna Rao, D. Saravanan, J.Padmavathy, Ch.Pradeep Kumar, I.Aparna Lakshmi. Formulation and evaluation of potassium chloride extended release capsules. Journal of pharmacy research. 2011; 4(8): 2529-2532.
- Saravanan D, Padmavathy J, Parimala M.J, Aparna Lakshmi I, Praveen Ch. Phytochemical, Anticholinesterase, Antipyretic and Antihistaminic activity of Leaves of Alangium salviifolium Linn. International journal of pharmaceutical research. 2011; 3(3): 37-40.
- Aparna lakshmi, T. Madhusudan, D. Praveen kumar, J. Padmavathy, D. Saravanan AND Ch. Praveen kumar. Histone deacetylase inhibitors in cancer therapy. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and research. 2011; 10(1): 38-44.
- Aparna Lakshmi, M. Gobinath, T. Madhusudan, CH. Praveen kumar, A. Suresh kumar Reddy, L. Saraswathi, C. Geetha, I. Chandana. Antioxidant Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Aerial parts of Piper trioicum Roxb. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2011; 4(9): 2894-2896.
- Mastan Rao Y, Bhargavi CH, Aparna Lakshmi I, Saroja M, Praveen Kumar Ch, Uma venkatesh S. Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of ethanolic extract of aegle marmelos leaves by various pharmacological screening methods. To be published in IJPT (JAN 2012).
- Sai Saraswathi V, Saravanan D, Padmavathy J, Aparna Lakshmi I, Raju D, Praveen kumar Ch, Prakash CR. Synthesis, characterization and pharmacological evaluation of ester prodrugs of naproxen. Journal of pharmaceutical research (JPR), 2011.
- Satarupa pan, Aparna lakshmi I, Priyanka. P. Antiinflammatory activity of aqueous extract of garlic leaves in rats. AJPCR, Vol 8, Issue 3, 2015.
- Aparna Lakshmi I, Gobinath, Joyeeta Bhattacharya and Priyanka P. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Aerial Parts of Piper Trioicum Roxb Against CCl4 Induced Liver Damage In Rats WJPPS 2017;1(6): 949-61.
- Joyeeta Bhattacharya, Aparna Lakshmi. Restless Leg Syndrome: an unrecognized and misdiagnosed condition NSHM Journal of Pharmacy and Healthcare Management 2016; (7):16-24.
- Aparna Lakshmi. I, Joyeeta Bhattacharya. A Review on Incretin Mimetics IJPIB 2017;2(2):144-148.
- Ruchismita Ghosh, Biplav Syngkli, Aparna Lakshmi, Dr. Shivalinge Gowda K.P., Nataraj Loganayaki, Khader Shareef K. S. and Venkateswarlu K Evaluation Of Potential Aphrodisiac Activity Of Henhance- A Polyherbal Formulation In Male Albino Rats 2017 European Journal of Biomedical AND Pharmaceutical sciences. 2017; 4 (10): 349-355.
- Joyeeta Bhattacharya, Aparna Lakshmi Evaluation Of Cytotoxic Activity Of Zanthoxylum Acanthopodium In Dalton’s Lymphoma Ascites Cells Induced Cancer In Mice. European Journal of Biomedical AND Pharmaceutical sciences. 2017; 4 (10):541-54.
- Participated in the National seminar on “Emerging trends in molecular modeling and drug design” in January 2010 organized by the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical chemistry, SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM University, Chennai, T.N.
- Participated in seminar on “Current trends in drug discovery and development” in August 2008 organized by SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM University, Chennai, T.N.
- Participated in one day orientation programme on “Employability Skills” in April 2009 organized by InPharm Association and SRM College of Pharmacy.
- Participated in the National seminar on in Accordance with APTE, A.P Branch on “Drug Delivery”. Ratnam College Of Pharmacy, Nellore.
- Participated in APTICON-2010.
- Participated in the national level seminar in Recent Trends In drug delivery systems in The Oxford College Of Pharmacy.
- Participated in the national level seminar in Recent Advances In Pharmacy Practice in The Oxford College Of Pharmacy.
- Participated in Recent Advances and Development in Formulations and Cosmetics organized by TOCP, Bangalore.
- Participated in Pharmacovigilance organized on Feb- 23 2016 at The Oxford College Of Pharmacy, Bangalore.
- Participated in Conference on stem cell therapy on Feb- 27 2016 atThe Oxford College Of Pharmacy, Bangalore.
- Attended a Workshop on Short course in Educational methodology organized by APTI, RGUHS –Feb- 6 to Apr 7 2016.
- Attended a workshop on Scientific methods and scientific writing organized on 4/11/2016 at KLE UNIVERSITY
- Attended a workshop on Basic techniques in preclinical studies organized on Jan 21 2017 at PES COLLEGE OF PHARMACY.
- Attended a workshop on Research methodology organized by RGUHS, Bengaluru on 24/3/18.
- AICTE Sponsored STTP: Integrating Research in Basic Science with Applied Pharmaceutical Science- FDP on May, 2021.

Dr Praise Marine Sabu
- DOCTOR OF PHARMACY N.E.T Pharmacy College, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka, India.
CLINICAL INTERNSHIP (January 2022 to January 2023)
- As Clinical Pharmacist Intern at Navodaya Medical College Hospital and Research Centre,
- Practiced in the following departments
- General Medicine (6 months).
- Dermatology (2 months).
- Obstrectics and Gynecology (2 months).
- Pediatrics (2 month).
Clinical Activities:
- Worked as an NSS volunteer for a period of 3 years from ü Prescription auditing. 2016- 2019.
- Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards
- Assessment of the Attitude and Knowledge about Abortion reporting. and Its Consequences in Women Attending Obstetrics Unit
- Participated on seminar on animal models: role and scope in Raichur, Karnataka.
- Attended guest lecture on research integrity and publication ethics (2022)
- One day seminar on key concepts in selection of drug therapy. (2019)
- Took part in workshop on “Current Perspective on Pharmacovigilance and Hemovigilance” organized by NET Pharmacy College Raichur on 28th-29th Sept 2018
- Actively participated in KAAPTICON-2018 the 3rd Annual Convention of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (Karnataka Branch) on 26th-27th Oct 2018

- Working as a lecturer N.E.T Pharmacy College Raichur since May 2024
- Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) from Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy Education And Research, Bengaluru
- Intermediate: Andhra Pradesh Residential Junior College, Kurnool
- High School: Paul’s English Medium High School, Rayadurga
- Poster presentation at Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, Delhi: “Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of 3-Propylbenzo[d]thiazol-2(3H)-one derivative”
- Seminar at JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty: “Assessment Of Prescription Patterns and Cost Analysis of Antihypertensive Drugs in Bengaluru Rural Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital”
- Two-day National Seminar on Current Status and Future Perspectives of Precision Medicine with oral presentation On 1st & 2nd September 2023.
- Certificate Course in Clinical Research
- Certificate Course in Pharmacovigilance
- Certificate Course in Drug Regulatory Affairs
- Good Clinical Practice (ICH GCP) for Clinical Research