The Kabaddi team from N.E.T Pharmacy College, led by their captain Mr. Mehboob, along with team members Karthik, Venkatesh, Narendra, Basavan Gowda, Abhishek Patil, Khaja Hussain, Bhima Reddy, Basavaraj, Birappa, and Praveen Kumar, showcased their talent and dedication in the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Kabaddi tournament held in Bijapur from August 29th to August 31st, 2024.
Out of the 15 colleges that participated, our team secured the runner-up position, earning them a spot in the upcoming inter zonal tournament to be held in Bangalore, Karnataka.
Chairman Shri S.R. Reddy, Principal Dr. H. Doddayya, Physical Director Chandrakant Balaganur, and the teaching and non-teaching staff of Navodaya Education Trust extended their heartfelt appreciation and congratulations to the team for their remarkable achievement.